Are You Struggling With A Challenging Situation Or Persistent Issue?
Embark on a transformative journey through Constellations work, where the profound dynamics that influence your life, relationships, and work are unveiled.
By delving deep into our family's history, we uncover unconscious events from previous generations that may be influencing our current challenges.
This therapeutic approach offers a unique opportunity to gain fresh perspectives, profound insights, and healing experiences, whether you are seeking answers for yourself or participating in the Constellations of others.
January 25th, 2-6 pm
March 29th, 2-6 pm
West Hill House Highgate,
6 Swain’s Lane
London N6 6QS
The Therapeutic Rooms
@ The Courtyard Loft
Unit 9,170 Brick Lane
London E1 6RU
Workshop Dates
Explore your relationship with MONEY
Special event
@ Cyphermunk House
9 John Street
London WC1N 2JF
What People Say