Constellations Workshops Offer A Powerful New Understanding Of Challenges And How To Transform Them

People often come to Constellations workshops because they feel stuck, constricted or limited by a particular issue in their personal or professional life.
Applying the Constellations method allows individuals to move from their current problem to the root of the issue, which often leads to an unresolved issue in a prior generation.

Our wider family, the experience of our parents, grandparents and ancestors creates a web of relationships across time with its own patterns, possibilities, and limitations. We can be unconsciously loyal to these underlying dynamics, operating in our blind spot, until the entanglements are made visible and integrated.  

Through Constellations, mapping and tuning into the wider family system, we begin to see the greater whole of which we are a part and surface the hidden dynamics at play in our lives. Seeing and understanding these systemic dynamics allow us to create change. 

The more we can see and integrate that which is influencing our path, the more freedom and agency we have.

What is an issue-holder?

When booking a place on a workshop you need to decide whether you wish to bring an issue – be an issue-holder.

Up to three issue holders explore their concerns while the rest of the group holds the space and help support the process by acting as representatives.

What is a representative (also called resource)?

Representatives, also called resources, witness and participate in Constellations. This experience, regardless of previous knowledge, offers deep insights and healing movements.

Both being an issue holder and acting as a representative can lead to deep insights and profound healing movements.

Workshop Process

The workshop provides a safe, confidential space for participants to explore their concerns. It begins with an interview with Sara, where the issue holder describes their situation and what they want to change in their life.

Sara guides the issue holder to select people from the group to represent elements relevant to the issue, which could be individuals or abstract concepts. These representatives are then arranged in the center of the circle, forming a Constellation—a "living map."

This process helps reveal hidden truths and provides a clearer understanding of the issue.

Being an issue holder or a representative can lead to profound insights and healing experiences. Constellations can address various issues, including family, relationships, work, creativity, health, and emotional well-being. They offer valuable insights for individuals facing deeply embedded problems or difficult decisions, providing clarity at crucial crossroads in life.


West Hill House, Highgate Consulting Rooms, 6 Swain’s Lane, London N6 6QS

The Therapeutic Rooms@The Courtyard Loft, Unit 9 Taylor's Yard, 170 Brick Lane, E1 6RU

Workshop Timing


Workshop Fee

Issue Holder £160 Representative £70

London N6

London E1


Issue-holders have a space to look at their issue using a systemic approach and participate in other Constellations on the day. Representatives learn about their own life by participating in other people’s Constellations.

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